
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I ♥ Faces - Best Face

In honor of their first birthday, i ♥ faces theme this week is best face. The photo has to be recent (Dec or Jan). I've been a total slacker at taking pictures lately (except of events) of my own children. I snapped this of my niece on Sunday at Claire's family birthday party. Pook & I started dating right after she was born, so to see her looking like this makes me feel a little old - seems to be a trend lately :-)! Check out more entries by clicking on the link above!


  1. Your niece is just darling! Great shot! I love it!

  2. what a sweet picture! i love what you did with the coloring :)

  3. Your niece is so lovely! And I LOVE the sunlight you have captured in her eyes. Just darling! : ) Don't worry, you are not old even though she was born when you first started dating :) My son just turned 10 and I keep telling myself that I am NOT old at all! : )

  4. love the processing on this shot
